ChitownCabbie replied to the topic How is the taxi business in Chicago during the pandemic? in the forum Chicagoland Cabbies (Group Forum) in the group Chicagoland Cabbies
KTA Store replied to the topic How is the taxi business in Chicago during the pandemic? in the forum Chicagoland Cabbies (Group Forum) in the group Chicagoland Cabbies
I guess @dahmi & @jojo1999 are both asleep.. lol
How about @keeptaxisalive? 🤔 -
KTA Store replied to the topic How is the taxi business in Chicago during the pandemic? in the forum Chicagoland Cabbies (Group Forum) in the group Chicagoland Cabbies
Hi @chitowncabbie
Hi @jojo1999
How is everybody doing? -
ChitownCabbie posted in the group Chicagoland Cabbies
How you doing @jojo1999? Is everything ok?
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I was asleep.. let’s see what @ktastore and @keeptaxisalive are up to.. 😆😆